The organizers seek proposals for papers to fill out an RSA panel (or panels) titled Early Modern Women and the Art Market: Past and Present. Papers submitted must reflect original research and be no longer than 20 minutes. PhD candidates in their final year of study as well as established scholars are encouraged to apply!**
This session welcomes papers that consider the multivalent roles of women in the early modern art market. What do we know about women’s place in the early modern art market and what still needs to be explored? This session is broadly defined to consider new research on women artists, patrons, collectors, and other actors in the early modern world. Additionally, it will investigate the reception of artworks created or commissioned by early modern women that have recently been presented on the art market. This includes the treatment of these objects and makers in the news as well as on social media.
Eve Straussman–Pflanzer, PhD, Head of the European art department and Elizabeth and Allan Shelden curator of European Paintings, Detroit Institute of Arts
Panel Organizers:
Eve Straussman–Pflanzer, PhD, Head of the European art department and Elizabeth and Allan Shelden curator of European Paintings, Detroit Institute of Arts
Theresa Kutasz Christensen, PhD, Kress Fellow, Department of European Art, Detroit Institute of Arts
Theresa Kutasz Christensen, PhD, Kress Fellow, Department of European Art, Detroit Institute of Arts, Detroit, Michigan
Oliver Tostmann, PhD, Susan Morse Hilles Curator of European Art, Wadsworth Atheneum Museum of Art in Hartford, Connecticut
Virginia Treanor, PhD, Associate Curator, National Museum of Women in the Arts, Washington, District of Columbia
To Be Considered:
With sincerest apologies for the lateness of the CFP, please send the following materials in a single word document to Theresa Kutasz Christensen (TChristensen@dia.org) and Eve Straussman-Pflanzer (Estraussmanpflanzer@dia.org) by no later than 12:00pm on August 4, 2019.
– Paper title
– Abstract of their proposal (no longer than 150 words)
– 3 keywords
– A single page CV
**All speakers must become RSA members by November 1 (see submission guidelines for details). In addition, because this is being submitted for consideration as a sponsored panel, all accepted speakers must also become members of the Society for the Study of Early Modern Women and Gender.