The initial sub-series profiles female artists of the Renaissance and Baroque

Illuminating Women Artists, published by London-based publisher Lund Humphries, launches at a critical moment in contemporary culture. This new book series marks a significant intervention within a broader movement—underway among scholars, museums, collectors, and the wider world of cultural heritage—to shine a light on the contributions of history’s women artists. Beautifully illustrated, the volumes offer a visual contextualization of the lives and works of their subjects, to whom in some cases a monograph had yet to be dedicated.

Many of the women represented by the volumes were celebrated professional artists in their own eras. But their names and works have not been passed down continually in the history of art. As the first series dedicated to correcting this omission, the books interweave established conclusions with new discoveries. The resulting narratives reframe how we can approach and understand the artistic production of early modern women.

The General Editors of the series are Professors Andrea Pearson (American University) and Marilyn Dunn (Loyola University Chicago). The Advisory Board includes
Sheila Barker, The Medici Archive Project
Marietta Cambareri, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Stephanie Dickey, Queen’s University
Dagmar H. Eichberger, Heidelberg University
Vera Fortunati, Università di Bologna
Mary D. Garrard, American University (Emerita)
Helen Hills, University of York
Jesse M. Locker, Portland State University
Claudio Strinati, Art Historian, Rome
Virginia Treanor, The National Museum of Women in the Arts
Katlijne van der Stighelen, KU Leuven
Evelyn Welch, King’s College London

Lund Humphries will release new details about the series throughout Women’s History Month, March 2020. Art Herstory will provide updates as the series evolves. For more information, visit the Illuminating Women Artists page on the Lund Humphries website.
Update, Fall 2020: for information about the first half-dozen books in the series, see Lund Humphries Announces the First Six “Illuminating Women Artists” Books.

Other Art Herstory posts about Illuminating Women Artists:
Lund Humphries Announces the First Six “Illuminating Women Artists” Books
and from the Lund Humphries blog:
Illuminating Women Artists: The Fifteen Volumes Under Contract, Spring – Lund Humphries
At long last! Brava!!
Will you please ensure that you include some landscape artists, not just portrait and still painters? Hopefully you are covering some lesser known artists rather than those who are famous already?
Thanks for your interest. Do let me know what suggestions you have for specific artists you’d like to see covered. We would like to cover less well known artists as well as those whose names are better known. We’re limited, though, in that for some artists, there’s not yet enough information available for a full-length book.