by artherstory | Aug 8, 2023 | News/Blog
Guest post by Julie Nash Left: Mary Stevenson Cassatt, On a Balcony, c. 1878–1879. Oil on canvas, 89.9 × 65.2 cm. The Art Institute of Chicago. Gift of Mrs. Albert J. Beveridge in memory of her aunt, Delia Spencer Field. 1938.18. Photo courtesy The Art Institute of...
by Erika Gaffney | Dec 28, 2022 | News/Blog
Maria Hadfield Cosway has recently closed at the Fondazione Maria Cosway. On January 15, Sofonisba—History’s Forgotten Miracle closes at Nivaagaards Malerisamling and Beatrix Potter: Drawn to Nature closes at London’s Victoria and Albert Museum. What do fans of...
by wpengine | May 24, 2022 | News/Blog
Guest post by Julia Dabbs, University of Minnesota, Morris “Concord people will be amazed by it.” So wrote artist and author May Alcott Nieriker (1840–1879), youngest sister of famed author Louisa May Alcott, in an 1877 letter to her family. She was...
by Erika Gaffney | Nov 28, 2020 | News/Blog
Here at Art Herstory, we love to showcase works by history’s women artists. And we love to see other organizations do the same! With that in mind, this year we present the first-ever Art Herstory Women Artists Favorite Things List. (It is along the lines of...