Sister Eufrasia Burlamacchi (Lucca, 1478–1548)

A Multi-faceted Illuminator within Artistic and Religious Reforms  Guest post by Loretta Vandi, Independent Scholar Image 1, Lucca, Burlamacchi Palace, sixteenth century, North-West View. Photo: author. The Eventful Foundation On April 5th, 1502, at 2 a.m.,...

Anna Boberg: Artist, Wife, Polar Explorer

Guest Post by Isabelle Gapp, Incoming Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Toronto Imagine for a moment a woman clad in reindeer-fur breeches, the coarse hair of the animal hide layered  above nutukas (traditional Sámi footwear), while a fur coat,...

Happy Birthday, Fidelia Bridges!

Guest post by Katherine Manthorne, The Graduate Center, CUNY On this day—May 19th—in 1834 the best-selling female artist and illustrator in post-Civil War United States was born. A native of Salem, Massachusetts, Fidelia Bridges (1834–1923) forged an artistic career...